Exquisite wines at the herb restaurant

The vinotheque at your hotel in Kaltenbach

Savour your 4-course menu at the Restaurant Liebstöckl with a good glass of wine. Whether a light white wine, an aromatic rosé or a hefty red wine – place your trust in the recommendations given by hostess and sommelière Elke, who will suggest a wine to complement your favourite dish as well as sharing her passion for good wine with you. And so your holiday at our hotel in the Zillertal valley is transformed into pure pleasure! Cheers!

Special indulgence

A wine journey through Austria

Klein und fein ist österreichischer Wein im internationalen Vergleich. Ein besonderer Genuss, der sich in puncto Qualität nicht verstecken muss. Begeben Sie sich während Ihres Aufenthalts im Kräuterhotel Hochzillertal**** auf eine Weinreise durch Österreich. Wir bereiten Ihnen im Restaurant Liebstöckl einen schönen Abend mit ausgewählten Sorten heimischer Winzer (€ 21,- pro Person). Sollte Ihnen ein Wein ganz besonders zusagen, können Sie diesen zu unseren Vinothekpreisen mitnehmen und zuhause genießen.

The Austrian wine scene is small yet refined, when compared to international levels. A special indulgence which can certainly stand its ground in terms of quality. Set off on a wine journey across Europe during your stay at the Kräuterhotel Hochzillertal****. We will prepare a special evening here at the Restaurant Liebstöckl featuring selected varieties from local winegrowers (€ 21 per person). And if any wine appeals to you in particular, you can purchase some at our vinotheque prices to enjoy back at home.

Your time-out
in the Zillertal valley

To make your holiday in Kaltenbach a truly special experience, we have devised some very special offers and compiled some tailor-made holiday packages just for you.

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